
Letchworth State Park

Hank – Letchworth State Park in New York is sometimes referred to as the Grand Canyon of the East. If you’ve seen the Grand Canyon then your expectations may be unrealistically high. The state park is 17 miles long and 1.5 miles wide and it does have a beautiful gorge. But it’s not Grand Canyonesque. The park has some great hiking trails and three sets of falls to view. We checked out the upper and middle falls and then had an ice cream. We got a tent site for the night.

Kathy – Since Hank’s job is to rest his shoulder, I will be driving us around in the rental car the next few days. He will be taking his muscle relaxers and trying to not do anything. We left Syracuse, New York and did some back tracking westward to Letchworth State Park. Our initial plan was to ride to this park but Hank’s shoulder pain caused us to divert from going to the park and focus on a straight shot to Maine. Now that we are taking a few days off from riding (so Hank can rest his shoulder) we can see the sights we planned on riding to via the rental car. Once we start riding again our plan is to go straight to Maine.

Letchworth State Park is very pretty. The falls are impressive too. We got off to a late start after deciding on our plans and picking up the rental car. It was a four hour drive to the park from Syracuse, N.Y. We saw the falls and did some short hikes about the park, then called it a day. It was a good relaxing day.

About the author hankgreer

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  1. Hello! I am sorry to hear that Hank’s shoulder is still very painful. I hope the renting the car and taking some time to drive will at least give the shoulder some time to relax and heal.
    There are some great sights to see as you travel NYS, so take them in and enjoy!! Take it easy and take it all in! Love following your trip!


  2. Good thing Hank has a great nurse to care for him.


  3. Your pics are Beautiful I love them all. I pray Hanks shoulder gets better REST and take it slow. You two have the best blog. My eyes are open to all Bicycles now. Always thinking where they going mmm where they been. And I make sure I give them room. 🚴‍♀️🚴‍♂️


    1. Happy you are enjoying the blog Ginny…and watching out for cyclist. Hope you have a fantastic time on your trip to Canada! Love you. ❤️


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